
About Us

About Us

JSciMed Central is a renowned multidisciplinary open access platform that publishes well researched scholarly Medical, Clinical, Chemical, Engineering, Pharmacy, and Life Sciences journals. The articles published in JSciMedCentral stand for the test of the time as they are put to the stringent blind peer-review process. We strictly adhere to the internationally acceptable benchmarked publishing standards and hence JSciMed Central journals are Indexed in all the major internationally reputed indexing sites including PBN, Publon, Pubshub, ICMJE, Google Scholar etc.,  Our aim is to reach the global scientific fraternity, by advancing innovations in pure and applied sciences through our scholarly journals.

Our journals are strongly oriented to scientific partners that are universities, research centers, institutions of excellence that promote and advance scientific research and knowledge dissemination.





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We basically intended to advance research in all major Science, Technology, Engineering and Medical (STEM) disciplines as well as their sub-disciplines through our publications.


We aim to strike a balance in the knowledge transfer and knowledge dissemination by encouraging the voices across the globe, by encouraging publications from the low and middle income nationals, while keeping our major thrust on the scientifically advanced nations.

Strategic Goals And Objectives

As a socially responsible organization, JSciMed Central is committed to reaching the underprivileged and unheard voices in the global scientific and research fraternity. We especially encourage the physicians and scientists of the low income nations  (LIC classification 2014, World Bank) to air the public health issues, challenges and perspectives of the respective nations with a view to reach them with knowledge and information.

We support all the major knowledge and awareness creating initiatives by means of providing vital information that is scientifically researched, and lifesaving. JSciMed Central also participates in supporting and promoting medical advocacy groups to educate the patients and their families with recent developments in relevant fields.