Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) – A Chronicle of Human, Tick and Animal - Abstract
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) is a tick borne zoonotic viral disease with case fatality ranging from 9-50% and endemic in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. The virus propagates in a silent enzootic tick-vertebrate-tick cycle, which on external interventions leads to outbreak like situation. The regular mode of infection in humans are tick bites, nosocomial infection, crushing of infected ticks, direct contact with CCHF virus infected blood or tissue as during slaughtering infected animals. In a short span of 6 years, India witnessed several outbreaks, which begins from Gujarat to the recent Uttar Pradesh incidence. India being a tropical country and niche for more than 106 species of ticks, CCHFV poses significant threat to health of livestock owners, farmers, veterinarians and abbatoir workers. In India, Hyalomma anatolicum is mainly accredited for transmission of CCHF virus, however, in the recent studies,
all the major tick genera are found to be infected with CCHF virus. The present review on CCHF will focus on discussing the update information on the disease pattern which is quiet necessary after CCHF outbreaks reported from India. The information provided might be helpful in designing future control strategy and may help to answer the questions raised in the minds about this disease.