Pedagogical Strategic Parameters in Socio-Educational Projects for the Youth in Contexts of Social Vulnerability - Abstract
This article presents an investigation carried out in vulnerable shanty towns communities in the city of Rio de Janeiro focused on the perception of social
project educators about the pedagogical strategies to obtain a good result in socio-educational projects with the Youth. To obtain the results, a questionnaire
was requested from the educators. It is observed that there is a high relationship between artistic activities and communication and social interaction, as well
as the playful and dynamic nature of the teaching method used, the use of practical experiences, the openness to criticism on the part of the projects and its
capacity for dialogue with young people, the use of interactive educational materials and resources and the possibility of individual guidance for those who
participate in the intervention projects. In this way, social projects and interventions are positioned as an effective tool for social change in the face of existing
deficiencies in the favelas. The collective nature of social intervention projects and group artistic activities constitutes a powerful tool for promoting the human
development of young people who live in situations of social vulnerability.