Report on the new coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic in Italy - Abstract
Background: Sars-CoV-2 is a coronavirus associated with human severe acute respiratory disease named Covid-19, first reported in China on December 2019. World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic on March 20, 2020. This report aims to outline the Italian outbreak characteristics. Italy, as one of first most affected area outside Asian continent, could give experiences to the other countries.
Methods: Data on positive cases and Covid-19 patients made available by Italian Health Authorities were reanalyzed and described.
Results: Up to April 18, 2020 Italy recorded 175,925 Sars-CoV-2 positive cases (10.68% among health care professionals) and 23,227 Covid-19 deaths. Covid-19 patients median age was 62 years. Male/female ratio was 1.00. Median time between symptoms and diagnosis was 6 days. Between hospitalized patients, the 10% needed intensive care. Median age at death was 80 years, with differences between sexes. Apparent lethality rate was 13.2%. At least one concomitant medical condition was present in 96.4% of patients who died.
Discussion: The number of Italian positive cases could be higher and the Italian lethality rate could be lower. The presence of asymptomatic people, known to be a vehicle for Covid-19 also for serious cases, could made slower the decrease of infection and distance the end of the novel coronavirus epidemic.