Risky Behaviors among HIV Serodiscordant and Seroconcordant Couples in Yaounde-Cameroon - Abstract
Introduction: Serodiscordant HIV couples are an important source of HIV spread in sub-Saharan Africa. To limit the transmission of HIV within couples, UNAIDS has defined many strategies, including unconditional treatment of the infected partner, systematic condom use, assisted reproduction, regular screening of the negative partner. In Cameroon, there is little information on the follow up of HIV serodiscordant and seroconcordant couples. The purpose of this work was to describe risky behaviors within serodiscordant couples.
Method: This cohort study was conducted in five health facilities. The data were collected using a survey form and the blood collected was used to test consenting participants for HIV, HbsAg, HCV, syphilis, and chlamydia. Data were analyzed using the GraphPad Prism 6 software.
Results: Eighteen seroconcordant and fifty tree serodiscordant couples agreed to participate in the study, where women were predominantly infected (56.66%). Serodiscordance was known for 64 months on average. Among serodiscordant couples, 86.79% infected partners were on ARV treatment, among them 10/46 (15.22%) stopped treatment. Sexual relationship existed in 50/53 couples, with non-systematic use of condom in 44 couples (83.01%). Extramarital relationships were reported in 10 of the 23 serodiscordant couples (56.60%) with libido disorders. HBsAg was most present in HIV infected women (11.32 %) while, HIV-uninfected men were most infected with viral hepatitis C (7. 55 %).
Conclusion: This work has highlighted many risky behaviors in serodiscordant couples. It remains essential to provide continuous counselling to serodiscordant couples and to associate systematic STI screening in all cases of HIV/ AIDS serodiscordance.