Abiotic Factors Affect in Germination of Sugarcane Seeds (Saccharum Spp) - Abstract
Sugarcane is a vegetative propagated crop and hence the production of seed and its fate in the environment has little been studied. This study contributes to understanding
by defining the abiotic limits for sugarcane seed germination. Using seed from multiple genetic crosses, germination was measured under different substrate regimes (Medium,
Soil with Cow dung, Sand and Paper) and temperatures (25 °C and 30 to 39 °C); cardinal temperatures and suitable medium for germination were estimated based on the rates of germination. We found that sugarcane seed could germinate over a broad range of temperatures with optimum ranging from 30°C to 39 °C depending on source of seed. Beside this sugarcane true seed germinate well in paper substrate followed by sand substrate. Regarding germination among four progeny field cross (I 33-97 xI 24-07) showed better.