A Correlative Study of Antioxidants Present in Human Seminal Plasma with Sperm Count - Abstract
Background: The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human semen is a normal process, but the overproduction may lead to determined effect on human sperm. Further in recent times, over production of ROS and less production of antioxidants correlated to male infertility.
Aim and objective: To evaluate various antioxidants in human seminal plasma and correlates to the number of sperms present.
Inclusion criteria: Males leading normal life and without conception for one year without any contraceptive with regular sexual intercourse are included in this study.
Exclusion criteria: Males with sexually transmitted infections, cardiac diseases, and so on were excluded from this study. Semen collection: Samples were collected from Andrology department and processed for semen analysis as per WHO, 2010 protocols. 116 semen samples were collected, semen categorized into different groups as per WHO, 2010. Then for this study, semen samples were grouped based on sperm count in millions per ml, 0-20 (n=20), 20-40 (n=18), 40-60 (n=12), 60-80 (n=18), 80-100 (n=32), >100 (n=16).
Statistical analysis: Antioxidant activity for SOD, catalase and glutathione were evaluated and correlated with sperm count by using statistical software graphpad prism version 9.1. P value calculated and represented as P<0.001 (***Significance), P<0.01 (**Significance), P<0.05 (*Significance) and P>0.5 (Not significance).
Results: The antioxidant activity was found to be increased as increase in sperm count. Sperm count between 0-20 millions/ml was found to be not significance with respect to all the antioxidant activity measured or evaluated. Sperm count with above 100 millions/ml was found to be with three star level significance (P<0.001) with respect to SOD, catalase and glutathione.
Conclusion: The sperm is more susceptible to ROS, because it is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, so it is hypothesized that the antioxidant mechanism is working good, the number of live sperm could be more and it helps in proper fertilization.