An Exploration of Ultrasound-Guided Therapeutic Injection of the Dorsal Interosseous Ligaments of the Sacroiliac Joint for Mechanical Dysfunction of the Joint - Abstract
Mechanical dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint is a common cause of lateralising low back pain in young patients in either the peri-partum period or after trauma. Diagnosis is based on evidence-based clinical guidelines and fused scintigraphic tomographic and x-ray computed tomography studies (SPECT/ CT). Accurate diagnosis is important as up to 80% of these patients respond to directed physiotherapy. The remainder can respond to prolotherapy with injection into the dorsal interosseous ligament of the sacroiliac joint. We describe a technique for injection of this structure under ultrasound guidance. Injections into this structure using simple landmarks, allow reproduction of the typical symptoms and pain maps indicating good accuracy in the 36 patients studied.