Effects of Medical Cannabis use on Military Veterans Suffering from Tinnitus - Abstract
The aim of this research was to investigate the impact of a comprehensive cannabis intervention on tinnitus symptoms and associated outcomes among military veteran personnel. Utilizing a range of measures, including the Tinnitus Statement, headache severity, quality of life, and sleep quality, the study assessed changes in participants’ experiences at baseline and follow-up. Results indicated a consistent and statistically signi1cant reduction in the perceived severity of tinnitus, with improvements extending to associated symptoms such as headache severity and sleep quality. The intervention demonstrated a positive elect on participants’ well-being, emphasizing the interconnected nature of tinnitus symptoms with broader aspects of health. While these 1ndings present promising insights into the potential e cacy of the intervention, the study highlights the importance of future research with larger sample sizes and control groups to validate and generalize the observed elect’s. This holistic approach to symptom management provides a foundation for enhancing the overall well-being of military personnel aIected by tinnitus.