Visualization of Tumor Vascularity in an Orthotopically Implanted Pulmonary Tumor Murine Model using X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography Imaging - Abstract
Objective: To visualize the vascularity of orthotopically implanted pulmonary tumor in a clinically relevant murine model of human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC).
Method: Orthotopic pulmonary tumors in mice were established by intrapulmonary injection of human NSCLC Calu-6 cells. Contrast-enhanced micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) was used to visualize the pulmonary tumor and blood flow in the chest. To create the three-dimensional (3D) image, Digital
Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) data from micro-CT acquisitions were transferred to surface-rendering software.
Result: The pulmonary tumor and vascularity in chest cavity were detected using micro-CT imaging with contrast agent. The 3D image created using surface-rendering software enabled clear visualization of the vascularity surrounding the pulmonary tumor and the blood vessels directly connected to the pulmonary vein.
Conclusions: The combination of contrast-enhanced micro-CT imaging and 3D imaging visualization using the volume rendering technique (VRT) was useful in evaluating the vascularity of pulmonary tumors in mice.