Importance of Ultrasound Exam in the Diagnosis and Active Management of Twin Pregnancies - Abstract
The study carried out over a period of 5 years within the University Hospital of Craiova shows the incidence of twin births compared to singleton births and tells the difference with the incidence in Clinics in Timisoara, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, where it also gets close to 1%. The incidence of preterm births is about 6 times greater than in singleton births. Preterm twins can experience a series of major complications (respiratory asphyxia, hyperbilirubinemia, brain haemorrhage, etc). Twin pregnancies are frequently associated with the mother’s diseases (pregnancy-induced HTA, placenta previa, urinary tract infections). The authors highlight the importance of caesarean delivery that protects the second foetus that may experience major distress, especially if extracted through obstetrical manoeuvres.