Menstruation, Onset, Management and Manipulation - Abstract
Introduction: One of the major physiological changes that take place in a woman’s life is onset of menstruation, menarche, most significant milestone of reproductive life. Many sociocultural, individual factors affect attitude towards menstruation with substantial implications of all these factors in coping with menstruation. Variations in age of menarche, menstruation may be due to various disorders also and they also impact menstrual management and future life. Menstruation manipulations being done by women have sequlae too.
Objectives: Collect, share information in context of menstruation, its onset, management, menstrual manipulations.
Material and Methodology: Literature search was done with available research engines, like google, google scholar, sci.hub, yahoo etc for collecting information as per the objectives. Studies reviews were looked into, irrespective of the type.
Results: Onset of menstruation, menarche, and management of menstruation are affected by many social, cultural, religious factors including everyday life. Mean age of menarche varies in populations globally. Geography, environment, socioeconomic, nutritional status of family, all affect menarche. Awareness of good hygiene practice during menstruation also varies. Many adolescent girls attain menarche, unprepared to manage menstruation hygienically. Pads used for menstrual flow vary globally and their disposals too vary. Menstrual manipulations are done for various reasons.
Conclusion: Menstruation, onset and its management need preprareness Menstrual manipulations need better understanding. Creating awareness about menstruation, its management premarche amongst young girls, information of possible manipulations, their effects are all essential for promoting adolescents overall health, specially reproductive health.