Caring for Children in Pain a Vietnamese Perspective - Abstract
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify and describe Vietnamese nurse’s pain management in children.
Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study using a questionnaire measuring 110 registered Vietnamese nurse’s perception of pain and pain management in children.
Results: The results showed that many nurses in Vietnam are using pain assessment instruments as well as non-pharmacological alleviations methods extensively. Vietnamese nurses had high levels of knowledge in physiology of pain. Nurses’ knowledge about the use of pain medication was correlated to attitudes. The higher level of knowledge the nurses had about pain medication, the more positive was their attitude towards pain management in general.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the most commonly used non-pharmacology pain alleviation method among the nurses was talking to the child and be close to the child. This method to attempt to relive pain is valuable as it doesn’t require any specific equipment. Vietnamese nurses had high levels of knowledge about physiology of pain.