Factors Affecting Patient Safety Culture among Health Professionals in Ilu Aba-Bora Zone, South West Ethiopia: A Mixed Method Study - Abstract
Introduction: Unsafe medical care is a major source of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. In Ethiopian health system, the information about patient safety culture is limited in scope. The aim of this study is to assess patient safety culture and associated factors among Health professionals in public health facilities of Ilu Aba-bare zone, southwest Ethiopia.
Methods: Institution based mixed method study was used to conduct the study. It was conducted from February 1-19, 2019. Ilu Ababora is one of the zones of the Oromia regional state. There are two Public Hospitals and thirty nine health centers in the zone. All Health professionals in the public health facilities of Ilu Aba-bore zone were considered as a study population and those on sick and maternity leave were excluded. A pretested semi-structured self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the required information. The data were entered using Epi data version 3.1 statistical software and analyzed using SPSS version 21. Significant independent predictor was declared at 95% confidence interval and P-value of less than 0.05; thematic analysis was done to the qualitative data.
Results: The overall level of positive patient safety culture was 40 %. Job satisfaction of health professionals, positive perception of health professionals regarding patient, Teamwork among health professionals within their working unit and Organizational learning were factors significantly associated with positive patient safety culture. Interviews’ thematic analysis revealed three main themes including management factors, health care professional factors and patient factors themes.
Conclusion: The overall level of positive patient safety culture was low. Therefore, interventions of systemic approach through facilitating opportunities for communication openness, cooperation and exchange of ideas between healthcare workers which will build team work sprit and promoting the knowledge and practice of health care providers are needed to improve the level of patient safety culture.