Gamma Variant of SARS Cov2: Increase in the Number of Contaminants and Lethality and the Start of Vaccination - Abstract
Introduction: In January/2020 China notified the appearance of a new coronavirus- SARS- CoV-2- that causes the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that
can evolve with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Due to its rapid spread throughout the world, the World Health Organization decreed in March
2020 that it is a pandemic. Variants are classified into Variant of Concern (VOC), Variants of Interest, and Variant of High Consequence. This classification
aims at a better study, evaluation and monitoring of these variants. The Brazilian Gamma variant (identified by 20J501Y.V3 or B.1.1.28 or 20 J/501Y.v1 and
VOC-202101/02) was detected by RT-PCR examination in four travelers who returned to Japan after a trip to Manaus (state capital of Amazonas- Brazil) on
January 2, 2021. This variant is related to the second wave of COVID-19 contagion in Manaus that created chaos in the city’s fragile health system.
Objective: Evaluate the increase in the number of cases and deaths resulting from the Gamma Variant in the city of Ribeirão Preto
Material and Method: Ribeirão Preto has an estimated population of 720,116 people. Data provided by the Health Department of Ribeirão Preto in the
New Coronavirus Bulletin (COVID-19) were analyzed. Period A- First wave of contamination: June-August 2020- SARS- CoV-2- first strain/ rudimentary virus/
wild form. Period B- Second wave of contamination: March-May 2021- Gamma (P.1) variant.
Results: Increased number of positive cases in period B. Lethality- increased lethality in period B (2021), predominance in men. As for age, in period B
there was a predominance of deaths in younger people.
Conclusion: Without a rapid plan for mass vaccination in the world, universal mask wearing, and social distancing to contain the spread of COVID-19
cases, we will be subject to the emergence of new variants