Ageing Process and Stiffening of Arteries Shown by Increased Pulse Wave Velocity - Abstract
Aging is the most profound risk factor for many non-communicable diseases and in
itself confers a greater risk for cardiovascular disease than the traditional risk factors
such as lipid levels, smoking, diabetes, hypertension and sedentary lifestyle. Arterial
stiffening and hypertension are aging-related disorders. The best way of measuring
arterial stiffness is determination of carotid to femoral PWV, and this is recommended
in the American Heart Association (AHA), as well as in the European expert consensus
document. PWV measuring provides us to noninvasively assess arterial stiffness and
real age of the arteries and thus the risk of cardiovascular events. PWV is a crucial
vascular and hemodynamic parameter that is used to assess the stiffness of aorta
as a large vessel. Aging in synergy with traditional and non-traditional risk factor
for atherosclerosis led to an accelerated increase in vascular stiffness. The premature
aging is result of accelerated vascular aging (stiffening and PWV increase) and the
prevalence of hypertension is more than doubled in the elderly than in the young
population. The presence of diabetes and prediabets is associated with increased
PWV and synergistically effects vascular stiffness expressed by diabetes and
hypertension, too. With the aid of Doppler ultrasonography, we can estimate the
arterial stiffness. Any increase of arterial stiffness above 9 m/s, which is not correlated
with chronologic age, can suggest and direct us to investigate additional comorbidities
such a diabetes, hypertension or chronic renal disease that increase arterial stiffness
and hence cardiovascular mortality