Exploring The Advantages of a Hydrolyzed Rice Formula in the Dietary Management of Infants with Cow’s Milk Allergy in Latin America - Abstract
Aim: Allergic diseases such as cow’s milk allergy (CMA) are increasing in early childhood. Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for infants in the first
6 months of life. However, when breast-feeding is insufficient or unavailable, there are differing beliefs about the best formula substitute for infants with CMA,
dependent on availability and local healthcare systems. If an infant suffers from CMA, current international food allergy guidelines recommend casein or whey
extensively hydrolyzed formulas (eHF) or amino acid-based formulas (AAF) in case of severe symptoms. Hydrolyzed rice formulas (HRF) are considered an
alternative to casein or whey eHF where available.
Methods: To understand how HRF are being used, their position in the management of CMA, and generate consensus on indications for use, a HRF-focused
workshop of healthcare professionals from Latin America with expertise in pediatric food allergy was convened in October 2021.
Results: Experts provided diverse viewpoints based on their different specialties, locations, and healthcare settings. This short communication briefly
summarizes the outputs from this meeting. During the consensus part of the meeting, an approach to the dietary management of CMA was discussed and
approved by all participants.
Conclusions: Agreement was reached among experts that where casein or whey eHF is appropriate per international guidelines, extensively HRF could
also be considered as a first-line option as part of the dietary management of CMA.