A Rare Case of Exercise Induced Anaphylaxis - Abstract
Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis is potentially fatal phenomena. Unlike common
allergic reactions related to allergens like foods, insect stings, or drugs, this unusual
illness is characterized by the onset of anaphylactic symptoms during or immediately
after physical activity. We are presenting herewith a 27-year-old male presented
with signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis following exercise. The patient was previously
healthy with no known medical history, and not on any medications. He denied any
known allergies to food or medications. However, he reported multiple previous
episodes of an itchy rash while jogging outdoors but was never as extensive as this
episode. We managed him successfully with medications. A literature review suggests
only few cases are reported, so far. Despite reported potential therapies, research
gaps persist, emphasizing the need for anticipation, prompt recognition by exclusion
of other causes, and appropriate investigations are essential for successful outcome.