Incidence of Xerostomia in Dialysis population & to assess effectiveness of oral XYLETOL (TQL) in reduction of Xerostomia - Abstract
Background: Xerostomia or dryness of mouth is relatively common among patients on chronic hemodialysis. Incidence of xerostomia among dialysis population is not well documented. India being a tropical country with high and humid temperatures, xerostomia may be much more severe among its dialysis population. Xerostomia theoretically could worsen weight gain among dialysis patient however its role in Intradialytic weight gain is less understood. We decided to look at incidence and severity of xerostomia in our dialysis population, its effect on intradialytic weight gain and the role of Secretagogues treatment in overcoming xerostomia and inter dialytic weight gain among our dialysis population.
Aims and Objectives: Primary: To study the Incidence of Xerostomia in Dialysis population
Secondary: To assess effectiveness of oral XYLETOL (TQL) in reduction of Xerostomia
Materials and Methods: CKD stage VD patients between 18 to 75 yrs. of age, who were on dialysis for at least 3 months at our centers, were asked to take up the Xerostomia questionnaire. Patients with total score of 25 or more were considered to have significant Xerostomia. Patients with significant xerostomia who consented for further evaluation were started on Oral Xylitol tablet. The tablets were taken thrice daily, 2 hours after each meal for a period of four weeks. Timing of tablets was fixed at 2hrs after meal, as individuals would take water during a meal and symptoms of dry mouth usually start 2hrs after a meal. The xerostomia inventory score was reassessed for each of these patients after four weeks of xylitol therapy. This score was compared with the baseline score obtained before at the start of the study.
Results: Results from our studies shows that the Tablet Xylitol (TQL) in some of the Dialysis Patients is beneficial to reduce the incidence of Xerostomia as it worked well for the patients on whom it was advised after Xerostomia Inventory Score above 25. Although treatment had no effect on IWG or salivary flow rates.
Conclusion: Xerostomia in HD has a multifactorial etiology with cumulative risks of advanced age, systemic disorders, drugs, fluid intake restriction, salivary parenchymal fibrosis and atrophy. It is important to detect possible risk factors to treat it correctly.