Departament de Psicologia Bàsica, Universitat de València, Spain - Abstract
This article presents the first Mexican study about the relationship between cocaine/crack use disorder and antisocial behavior, based on the comparison of cocaine/crack patients and non stimulant drug patients (attended for alcohol, cannabis, heroine or inhalant use) on criminal behavior history and on the means of scales of problematic and antisocial behaviors in drug users in treatment. These scales evaluate aggression, robberies and other common antisocial and criminal behaviors in individuals with substance use disorder in patients treated at Juvenile Integration Centers, an institution that has treatment centers for drug users, which is part of the Ministry of Health of Mexico and distributed by all the states that make up the country. Statistical comparasions were made, with chi-square test and Student t-test. The results show more problematic behaviors in the cocaine/crack patients, by means of more impulsive behavior, and direct and indirect violence than the non stimulant drug patients. Moreover the cocaine/crack group showed a transgression history with more crimes against the state, of falsehood and against freedom and psychosexual development.