The affordability of beer and the level of its sale in Russia - Abstract
Background: beer is an alcoholic beverage, the use of which is associated with numerous adverse consequences, including an increased risk of injury, violence, chronic
somatic diseases.
Aims: a comparative analysis of the dynamics of the level of affordability of beer and the level of its sale in Russia.
Methods: statistical analysis (Spearman correlation analysis, linear regression analysis) was carried out using the Statistica 12. StatSoft package.
Results: the level of beer sales is closely correlated with the level of its economic affordability (r = 0.71; p <0.000). Calculations carried out using a linear regression
model showed that with an increase in the price affordability of beer by 1%, the level of its sale grows by 0.61%.
Conclusions: the results of this study indicate that the demand for beer in Russia is elastic in relation to price. The data obtained confirm the existing view that reducing the affordability of beer is a real way to reduce the level of its consumption.