Tobacco Use in Adolescents Exposed To Lead: Preliminary Results - Abstract
Background: Cross-sectional studies report associations between early lead exposure and behavior problems in childhood and adolescence, but little is known
about later tobacco use.
Objective: This study investigated the associations between lead level in childhood or adolescence and tobacco use.
Methods: Children (n=89) with elevated lead levels in childhood were tested in adolescence using atomic absorption spectrometry. To examine the influence of lead levels in childhood and adolescence on tobacco use comparisons between lead levels in childhood and adolescence were conducted between smokers and non-smokers.
Results: Over 90% of the sample had BLLs above 10 µg/dl in childhood (mean BLL’s =14.2 µg/dl). Although adolescent smokers did not differ from non-smokers in childhood lead levels, adolescent lead levels were higher among those who were using tobacco.
Conclusion: Adolescent tobacco use may contribute to levels of lead among adolescents previously exposed to environmental lead.